The Peregrine Falcons residing on the 5/3rd bank building in downtown Kalamazoo have taken to the nest box the DNR installed last year, garnering a great deal of local press. All this means the falcons are right on target for perhaps their first successful clutch!
If you haven't seen ANIMALS AMONG US yet (or even if you have), you've got a chance to see it on the big screen at the People's Food Co-op Annual Meeting this Sunday, March 23rd. They'll be screening it at noon at the State Theater in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Click HERE to learn more about the event.
Thank you to the Co-op Board of Directors for inviting me and the doc to be a part of this great event! Interestingly enough, the documentary, and my pursuit and passion for wildlife, began in large part because of a fundamental food choice I made about a decade ago: my decision to not eat industrial meat. If you come to the event, I'll briefly share the story behind this life changing choice in my life.