If you want to learn a little more about the seemingly invisible person behind this blog, check out the recent article on me in Encore Magazine. Of course I knew the article was coming out, but those sneaky little elves down at Encore kept the fact that I was on the cover a secret, eluding to it with snickering hints. I got wind of it from a subcontracted graphic artist who worked on the layout. Quite a surprise. Big thanks to Encore for the Christmas Present.
One of the more profound experiences to come out of the article was having the camera and microphone turned on me: the interviewer being interviewed.
Shortly following the premiere of my recent video, "The COLONY FARM ORCHARD", which features interviews with a half dozen or so people, it was only appropriate that I became the subject of someone else's journalistic creation.
And although by no means an investigative report, it sure did give me a poignant glimpse into what it feels like to have your words, your story, in the hands of another person. It immediately heightened my understanding and appreciation for the subjects of my documentary work.
In a documentary or video, people tell their intimate life stories, challenge authority, and subject their face and person to all the scrutiny and attention of the screen, whether it's a credit-card size picture on the internet or a huge screen at the Little Theater. Not only do they put themselves out there, they trust me to edit and shape their story into something true to their intention as well as the larger story. When I think about it, it's a daunting responsibility - very humbling.
I labored hard and long on "The COLONY FARM ORCHARD" video, being very careful to present everyone fairly and accurately, constantly curbing sensationalism or personal bias. I trust I didn't misrepresent anyone.
On the flipside, I can say that Bob Weir and Encore Magazine did not misrepresent me; they celebrated me. For that I'm eternally grateful.
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