Friday, May 13, 2011


The unfortunate update on our peregrines is that Idelle abandoned her nesting spot on the 15th floor of the Fifth Thirds building.

She aborted the clutch about two weeks ago, leaving behind four eggs in a copper-lined rain trough. It's very possible the torrential rains we had a few weeks ago were simply too much for Idelle as the rising water surrounded her and the eggs. 

A failed, first clutch is not uncommon and certainly explains the copulating I witnessed recently as the pair makes a second attempt at nesting this year. The birds have also gravitated over to one of the Pfizer buildings, perhaps attracted to what some say is a gravel roof.

Another twist in this story are reports of a third bird. Karen Tindall, who works in the Haymarket building on Michigan Avenue, across the street from Fifth Thirds, reports she saw a third peregrine recently in the area, something Jonathan Morgan (a local birder) witnessed a few weeks back. 

I think it's safe to say the falcons are here to stay, and sooner or later they'll succeed with a brood and young will fledge. The question is exactly where and when that will happen. 

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