Sunday, July 19, 2009


At the heart of ANIMALS AMONG US was Kleinstuck Preserve, and finding that "little apartment" at the end of Stearns Avenue, right next to Kleinstuck, was the beginning of a great journey for me. As they say: "location, location, location".

I've since moved from 2007 Stearns into a little house on the Eastside of Kalamazoo, a neighborhood known specifically as Eastwood. That's my new hood; and it's proving to be equally rich in wildlife, in ways I never expected. There's no doubt you'll be hearing more about it. In the meantime, these are a few of my new neighbors.

A rose breasted grosbeak feasting on some black oilers in my backyard

A mother coyote stopping to figure out what was making that peculiar, foreign sound. 
It was the shutter of my camera.

A father osprey bringing home a fish for a brood of three.

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